Meeting of Steering Committee of NAWA UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine

On 4th of December, a meeting was held to summarise the implementation of the UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine project.  In 2023, 14 students of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and two academics attended various project events: the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden, for a project presentation, the Summer School ” Making Space for Culture and Arts” (…/profil/universeh-kurse-2-2) and the Diversity Conference in Düsseldorf, Germany (…/europaeische…/das-universeh-team), the StarTECH-2023 week held at the AGH University of Krakow, the International Workshop and Conference „SPACE EXPEDITION – Human factor in the Settlement of the Moon and Mission Operations workshop” in Rzepiennik Biskupi near Krakow (Poland) at the Analog Astronaut Training Centre ( During this fruitful year of mutual work, the participants enriched their interdisciplinary skills and expanded their knowledge, gained a broader understanding of different cultures and ways of thinking, and studied in the heart of Europe to become part of a unique and diverse team: Space Crew.

It is also planned to submit a request for the continuation of the UNIVERSEH 2.0. Extended for Ukraine project in 2024.

The project is implemented with the support of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Special thanks to the project leader Tadeusz Uhl and the project manager Marta Polak.