Наукова робота викладачів


  1. Будзуляк І.М., Мокляк В.В., Коцюбинський В.О. За редакцією Б.К. Остафійчука. Синтез, структура, фізичні та електрохімічні властивості нанодисперсних сполук заліза.// Івано-Франківськ: в-во ДВНЗ ‘Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника’, 2019, 420 С. ISBN 978-966-640-472-8


  1. М.М. Яцура, І.М. Гасюк, Б.І. Рачій, А.М. Гамарник. Навчально-методичний посібник. Загальний курс фізики. Оптика. Тести. // Електронний підручний. – 2019р., 382 с


  1. Myroslava Hodlevska, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky, Volodymyra Boychuk, Ivan Budzulyak, Bogdan Rachiy, Ruslan Zapukhlyak, Mykola Hodlevskyi, Liliia Turovska Hydrothermally synthesized NiFe2O4 /rGO composites: structure, morphology and electrical conductivity // Applied Nanoscience 2023 DOI: 10.1007/s13204-022-02741-xSupplementary information
  2. Tatarchuk, T., Mironyuk, I., Kotsyubynsky, V., Shyichuk, A., Myslin, M., & Boychuk, V. Structure, morphology and adsorption properties of titania shell immobilized onto cobalt ferrite nanoparticle core. // Journal of Molecular Liquids.
  3. Тetiana Tatarchuk, Mariana Myslin, Ivan Mironyuk, Przemysław Kosobucki, Piotr Ścigalski, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky. Removal of Congo Red dye, polar and non-polar compounds from aqueous solution using magnesium aluminate nanoparticles // Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.10.012
  4. Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky, Lyudmyla Shyyko, Thaer Shihab, Pavlo Prysyazhnyuk, Victor Aulin, Volodymyra Boichuk. Multilayered MoS2/C nanospheres as high performance additives to lubricating oils // Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.10.021
  5. Volodymyra Boychuk, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky, Khrystyna Bandura, Ivan Yaremiy, Ruslan Zapukhlyak, Sofia Fedorchenko. Self-combustion synthesized NiFe2O4/reduced graphene oxide composite nanomaterials: Effect of chelating agent type on the crystal structure and magnetic properties // Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.10.026
  6. Boychuk, V. M., Kotsyubynsky, V. O., Bandura, K. V., Yaremiy, I. P., & Fedorchenko, S. V. Reduced Graphene Oxide Obtained by Hummers and Marcano-Tour Methods: Comparison of Electrical Properties // Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, (2019) 19(11), 7320-7329.
  7. V. Boychuk , V. Kotsyubynsky , K. Bandura , M. Hodlevska , B. Dzundza , O. Khatsevych. The Mechanisms of Nickel-Iron Spinel Phase Nucleation in Aquous Solutions: Crystal Quasichemical Approach // Physics and chemistry of solid state, V. 20, № 2 (2019) P. 156-164. DOI:10.15330/pcss.20.2.156-164.
  8. Kachmar, A. I., Boichuk, V. M., Budzulyak, I. M., Kotsyubynsky, V. O., Rachiy, B. I., & Lisovskiy, R. P. Effect of synthesis conditions on the morphological and electrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped porous carbon materials. // Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, V.27:I.9 (2019), 669-676, https://doi.org/10.1080/1536383X.2019.1618840
  9. I.P Yaremiy, MM Povkh, VO Kotsyubynsky, VD Fedoriv, SI Yaremiy. Aging Processes in Films of Iron-Yttrium Garnet Implanted by Boron Ions // Physics and chemistry of solid state, V. 20 (1),2019, P. 56-62
  10. V.M Boychuk, LO Shyyko, VO Kotsyubynsky, AI Kachmar. Structure and Morphology of MoS2/Carbon Nanocomposite Materials // Physics and chemistry of solid state, V. 20 (1), 2019, 63-68
  11. Bayliak, M. M., Lylyk, M. P., Gospodaryov, D. V., Kotsyubynsky, V. O., Butenko, N. V., Storey, K. B., & Lushchak, V. I. Protective effects of alpha-ketoglutarate against aluminum toxicity in Drosophila melanogaster. // Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, (2019). 217, 41-53.
  12. Boichuk, V., Kotsyubynsky, V., Kachmar, A., Budzulyak, S., Budzulyak, I., Rachiy, B., Yablon, L. Effect of Synthesis Conditions on Pseudocapacitance Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Materials. // Journal of Nano Research, (2019), 59, 112–125
  13. V. M. Boichuk, Kh. V. Bandura, V. O. Kotsyubynsky, I. P. Yaremiy, and S. V. Fedorchenko. Synthesis, Structural, Morphological, Electrical, and Electrochemical Properties of Ni(OH)2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Materials // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 2019, т. 17, № 2, сс. 299–310
  14. А. О. Коцюбинський, В. В. Мокляк , І. М. Фодчук, В. О. Коцюбинський, П. М. Литвин, А. Б. Груб’як. Магнітна мікроструктура епітаксійних плівок LaGa-заміщеного залізо-ітрієвого ґранату // Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2019, vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 529–548 https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.41.04.0529
  15. B.K. Ostafiychuk, R.P. Lisovskiy, Al-Saedi Abdul Halek Zamil, B.I. Rachiy, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, P.I. Kolkovsky, R.I. Merena, A.B. Hrubiak. Effect of Orthophosphoric Acid on Morphology of Nanoporous Carbon Materials // Journal of nano- and electronic physics, Vol. 11 No 3, 03036(6pp) (2019)
  16. O Butenko, V Boychuk, B Savchenko, V Kotsyubynsky, V Khomenko Pure ultrafine magnetite from carbon steel wastes // Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019, V.6, 270-278
  17. Boychuk, V., Kotsyubynsky, V., Rachiy, B., Bandura, K., Hrubiak, A., & Fedorchenko S. β-Ni (OH)2/reduced graphene oxide composite as electrode for supercapacitors // Materials Today: Proceedings, (2019). V. 6, 106-115.
  18. A Koveria, L Kieush, A Hrubyak, V Kotsyubynsky Properties of Donetsk basin hard coals and the products of their heat treatment revealed via mossbauer spectroscopy. // Petroleum & Coal, 2019, 61 (1)
  19. O.M. Khemii, I.M. Budzuliak, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, L.S. Yablon, R.V. Ilnytskyi,V.M. Boychuk, O.V. Morushko, KH.V. Bandura, M.M. Khemii Synthesis, morphology, electrical conductivity and electrochemical properties of α-Ni(OH) 2 and its composites with carbon // Materials Science-Poland, DOI: 10.2478/msp-2019-0077 2019
  20. Effect of mechanical treatment on the distribution of valence electrons and characteristics of nanocomposite (SiO2)x(Al2O3)1-x(x=0.8, x=0.7) electrodes in lithium power sources. Zaulychnyy, Y.V., Gun’ko, V.M., Yavorskyi, Y.V., Gasyuk, I.M., Wanderka, N., Dudka, O.I. Applied Surface Science,Volume 494, 15 November 2019, Pages 1013-1022.
  21. I.M.Gasyuk, A.V.Vakalyuk, V.M.Vakalyuk. Thermal dependency of Li+-ion conductivity in Li2O-Fe2O3-Al2O3  ceramics. Materials Today: Proceedings, Available online 21 November 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.10.103
  22. Яцура М.М., Гамарник А.М., Рачій Б.І. Про вдосконалення тестового контролю знань з фізики. // Івано-Франківськ: Вісник Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника. Педагогічні науки., вип.17, 2019р., С.45-49.
  23. Zhyhailo M.M., Demchyna O.I., Yevchuk I.Yu., Rachiy B.I., Kochubey V.V. Preparation and characterization of uv-curable cross-linked organic-inorganic membranes. // Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii., 2019. №. 5. pp. 34–41.
  24. BardashevskaS.D., Budzulyak I.M., Budzulyak S.I., Rachiy B.I., Yablon L.S., Morushko O.V. Optical Properties of ZnSe Quantum Dots in Carbon Matrices.// Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics., 2019. V. 11, № 5, 05043 (6 p.).
  25. Zhyhailo M., Demchyna O., Rymsha Kh., Yevchuk I., Rachiy B. Proton conductive organic-inorganic nanocomposite membranes derived by sol-gel method.. // Chemistry & Chemical Technology., 2019. V.13, №4. pp. 436-443.
  26. Account of surface contribution to thermodynamic properties of lead selenide films / Nykyruy, L.I., Naidych, B.P., Voznyak O.M., Parashchuk T.O., Ilnytskyi R.V. // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics Volume 22, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 156-164.
  27. Ostafiychuk B.K., Yaremiy I. P., Yaremiy S.I., Povkh M.M., Yablon L.S., Budzulyak I.M. Aging Processes in Implanted Fluorine Ions and Laser Irradiated Films of LaGa:YIG. // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State., 2019. Vol. 20, No 2. P. 209-214. https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.20.2.202-207.
  28. Abu El-Fadl A., Hassan A.M., Mahmoud M.H., Tatarchuk T., Yaremiy I. P., Gismelssed A. M., Ahmed M. A. Synthesis and magnetic properties of spinel Zn1−xNixFe2O4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) nanoparticles synthesized by microwave combustion method. // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., Vol. 471, 1 February 2019, P. 192-199.
  29. A. Abu El-Fadl, Lucia Maini, Tetiana Tatarchuk, Ivan Yaremiy, A. M. Nashaata. Crystal growth and spectroscopic studies of new ammonium potassium zinc sulfate hexahydrate single crystal. // Vibrational Spectroscopy, V.104, September 2019, 102942 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vibspec.2019.102942
  30. Яремій І. П., Остафійчук Б. К., Томин У. О., Яремій С. І., М. М. Повх М. М. Ефекти анізотропії в орієнтації призматичних дислокаційних петель і дископодібних кластерів у статистичній динамічній теорії розсіяння Х-променів. // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии., 2019. Т.41, № 6. С. 699-715. https://doi.org/10.15407/mfint.41.06.0699 .
  31. Kaykan L.S., Mazurenko J.S., Yaremiy I.P., Bandura Kh.V., Ostapovych N.V. Effect of Nickel Ions Substitution on the Structural and Electrical Properties of a Nanosized Lithium-iron Ferrite Obtained by the Sol-gel Auto-combustion Method. // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics., 2019. Vol. 11, No 5. P. 05041-1 – 05041-7. https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(5).05041
  32. Yaremiy I.P., Bushkova V.S., Bushkov N.I., Yaremiy S.I. X-ray analysis of NiCrxFe2-xO4 nanoparticles using Debye-Scherrer, Williamson-Hall and size-strain plot methods. // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, (2019) Vol. 11, No 4. P. 04020-1 – 04020-8. https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(4).04020
  33. Ostafiychuk, B.K., Bushkova, V.S., Riznychuk, N.I., Solovei, R.S., Yaremiy, I.P. Nickel–yttrium ferrite nanopowders for solving environmental problems.Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii2019 17(3), pp. 425-438.
  34. Bushkova, V.S., Yaremiy, I.P., Ostafiychuk, B.K., Riznychuk, N.I., Solovei, R.S. Sol-gel synthesis, structure and optical properties of nickel-manganese ferrites.Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 11(3), p.03021
  35. Yaremiy I.P., Bushkova V.S., Bushkov N.I., Yaremiy S.I. X-ray analysis of NiCrxFe2-xO4 nanoparticles using Debye-Scherrer, Williamson-Hall and size-strain plot methods. // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, (2019) Vol. 11, No 4. P. 04020-1 – 04020-8. https://doi.org/10.21272/jnep.11(4).04020


  1. Bandura Kh., Boichuk V., Kotsyu¬by¬nsky V. [et al.]. Electrochemical propeties of β-Ni(OH)2 reduced graphene oxide composites. Program i streszczenia XIV Rzeszowskiej konferencji młodych fizyków, (8 June 2019, Rzeszów). P. 10.
  2. Hodlevska, Kotsyu¬by¬nsky V., Boichuk V. [et al.]. Electrochemical propeties of hydrothermally obtained Fe2O3@LiCoO2 and Fe2O3@LiNiO2 materials annealed at 200-700oC. Program i streszczenia XIV Rzeszowskiej konferencji młodych fizyków, (8 June 2019, Rzeszów). 2019. P. 11.
  3. Kachmar A., Boichuk V., Kotsyubynsky V. [et al.] Hydrothermally Synthe­sized MoO2, МоО2/ rGO та МоО2/С: Structure, Morphology and Electrical Conductivity. ХVII International Freik conference on physics and tech­nology of thin films and nanosystems. (20-25 May 2019, Ivanо-Frankivsk). 2019. P. 49.
  4. Boichuk V.M., Bandura Kh.V., Kotsyubynsky V.O. [et al.] Synthesis, Stru­ctu­ral and Morphological Properties of Ni(OH)2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Com­po­site Materials. ХVII Inter­na­tio­nal Freik conference on physics and tech­no­lo­gy of thin films and na­no­systems. 20-25 May 2019, Ivanо-Frankivsk). 2019. P. 183
  5. Kachmar A.I., Boichuk V.M., Budzulyak I.M., Kotsyubynsky V.O., Rachiy B.I., Yablon L.S. Electrochemical pro­per­ties of nitrogen-doped porous carbon. ХVII International Freik conference on phy­sics and technology of thin films and nanosystems. (20-25 May 2019, Ivanо-Frankivsk). 2019. P. 195.
  6. Деструктивна трансформація параметрів електричної еквівалентної схеми тканин печінки. Т. В. Приймак, І.М.Гасюк, А. Б. Груб’як, А.М. Бойчук. Медична фізика – сучасний стан, проблеми, шляхи розвитку. Новітні технології. Матеріали 8-ї міжнародної конференції, 26 – 27 вересня 2019 р., м. Київ, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, 2019. С.202-205.
  7. Impedance Studies of Lithium Superionic Conductors at Different Temperatures Boichuk A.M., Gasyuk I.M., Boichuk T.Ya, Chervinko D.V., Grabko T.V. XVII International Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (ICPTTFN-XVII), May, 20-25, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk,Ukraine, P.182
  8. Conductivity of CdTe Polycrystalline Films Gasyuk I.M., Kostyuk O.B., Pysklynetsj U.М., Yurchyshyn L.D., Potyak V.Yu., Katanova L.O. XVII International Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (ICPTTFN-XVII), May, 20-25, 201, Ivano-Frankivsk,Ukraine, P.244
  9. Rachiy B.I., Revo S.L., Budzulyak I.M., Lisovsky R.P., Musiy R.Y. Electrode Material for Supercapacitors Based on Thermally Exfoliated Graphite. ХVII International Freik Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (XVII-ICPTTFN). – Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 20-25 May. – 2019. –P. 220.
  10. Bardashevska S.D., Budzulyak I.M., Budzulyak S.I., Rachiy B.I., Yablon L.S., Morushko O.V. Synthesis and Optical Properties of Quantum Dots ZnSe:C // ХVII International Freik Conference on Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems (XVII-ICPTTFN). – Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 20-25 May. – 2019. –P. 180.
  11. Yaremiy I. P., Yaremiy S. I., Povkh M. et al. Aging Processes in Films of Iron-Yttrium Garnet Implanted by He+, B+ and F+ Ions / XVII International Freik Conference Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems. Abstract book. Ivanо-Frankivsk, 2019. P. 272.
  12. Kolkovska H.М., Mokhnatskyi M.L., Yaremiy I.P., Kolkovskyi P.I. Perovskite-Type Material of LaFeO3 for Solar Cells Applications. International Freik Conference Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems. Abstract book. Ivano-Frankivsk: Publisher Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2019. P. 198.
  13. Ostafiychuk B.K., Bushkova V.S., Yaremiy I.P. Sol-Gel Synthesis of Nanostructured Nickel-Cadmium Ferrites and Their Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Properties. International Freik Conference Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanosystems. Abstract book. Ivano-Frankivsk: Publisher Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2019. P. 216.
  14. Starchuk Yu.Yu., Budzulyak I.M., Popovych D.I., Yablon L.S., Khemii O.M., Morushko O.V. Specific Energy Characteristics of Hybrid Systems Based on Nickel Hydroxide / Carbon Modified Composites // Збірка тез конференцій «Функціональні матеріали для інноваційної енергетики» (FMIE). – Київ, Україна, 13-15 травня. – 2019. – С. 36.
  15. Khemii O.M., Budzulyak І.М, Yablon L.S., Khemii М.М., Popovych O.V. Conductivity of β-Ni(OH)2/C composites exposed to ultrasound // XVІI Freik International conference «Рhysics and technology of thin films and nanosystems», Ivano-Frankivsk, May 20-25, 2019. – P.53.
  16. Rachiy B.I., Revo S.L., Budzulyak I.M., Lisovsky R.P., Musiy R.Y. Electrode material for supercapacitors based on thermally exfoliated graphite // XVІI Freik International conference «Рhysics and technology of thin films and nanosystems», Ivano-Frankivsk, May 20-25, 2019. – P.220.