UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine

Project implementation period: from January 2, 2023 to December 31, 2023

UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine 2.0: from January 2, 2024 to December 31, 2024

The aim of the UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine project is to include Ukrainian partner universities in the activities of the UNIVERSEH European University alliance and to strengthen existing cooperation in the New Space area, with particular emphasis on improving the competencies, mobility, and multilingualism of students. The Space Technology Center (CTK) of AGH, will be responsible for implementing the tasks.

The proposed activities are part of the mission of the UNIVERSEH partnership of European Universities: creating a common European university offering access to the latest knowledge in space technologies. Students of the UNIVERSEH alliance will be invited to participate in the project in collaboration with two Ukrainian Universities: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas and Precarpathian National University of Vasyl Stefanyk in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Learning about space technology can also help develop innovative solutions in fields such as medicine, energy or telecommunications, which contributes to the progress and technological development of the whole world.

The scope of financial support for project activities related to the forms organized under the above-mentioned alliance includes:

  • organizing the exchange of students, doctoral students, and employees of the institution
  • participation in study visits, internships, summer/winter schools, seminars, workshops, training courses, or intensive courses
  • active participation in conferences
  • development of modern teaching materials
  • development or preparation of new and innovative teaching tools and methods
  • development of a quality management system to improve the quality of education and research
  • conducting joint research and development works
  • preparation of joint scientific publications
  • networking and establishing cooperation between Ukrainian universities and members of alliances

Goals of the project:

  • carrying out project’s research in the area of ​​technology cosmic
  • coordination of related research conducted at AGH with space technologies
  • promoting project’s inventions and ideas

Project date range:

  • Project Start Date: 2023. The European UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine project was launched to include Ukrainian partner universities in the framework of the UNIVERSEH University alliance and cooperation in the New Space area, striving to raise the level, joining and multilingualism of students, while promoting equal access to modern knowledge and space technologies.
  • Research and Development. The research and development efforts within the UNIVERSEH Extended for Ukraine project aim to enhance student competencies, foster intercultural collaboration, and promote knowledge exchange in New Space technologies, contributing to the creation of a European university alliance for cutting-edge space exploration and innovation.
  • Testing Development. The testing and development phase will involve an engaged and diverse group of selected students from AGH and partner universities, collaborating through interactive on-site and online events, to refine and enhance the project’s mission of fostering intercultural competence, expanding New Space knowledge, and facilitating entrepreneurial skills in the context of space exploration.
  • Planning Finish Date: December 2023. The project is scheduled to conclude upon achieving its objectives, with the planned finish date ensuring the successful integration of Ukrainian partner universities into the UNIVERSEH alliance and the effective advancement of New Space initiatives, student competencies, and cross-cultural collaboration.


  • AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków
  • University in Dusseldorf
  • University of Toulouse
  • Lulea University
  • University of Luxembourg
  • Vasyl Stephanyk Precarpathian National University
  • National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Contact person: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies,

Volodymyr Kotsiubynskyi