Rachiy Bogdan

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies


Personal informationPublished workActivityContacts

Scopus Author Identifier 55633772200

Web of Science Researcher ID AAN-8835-2020

ORCID 0000-0001-8895-0737

Field of Science Interests: Material Science, Supercapacitors, Electrochemistry, Physics and Chemistry of Surface.

Education: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2000-2005), Faculty of Physical and Mathematics, Department of Material Science and New Technology; specialty: Physics, Lector.

Postgraduate experience at the ‘Vasyl Stefanyk’ PreCarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), Sub-Department of Material Science and Novel Technology, spec. 01.04.18 – Physics and Chemistry of Surface.

The theme of the Candidate dissertation: Morphology and electrochemical properties of thermal modified nanoporous carbon.

Science consultant: Dr. Sci. (Phys.&Math.) Budzulyak Ivan, Prof. of Material Science and Novel Technology Sub-Department at the ‘Vasyl Stefanyk’ PreCarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).

Title: PhD., Candidate of the Physical-Mathematical Science (December 2010), Name and status of education/scientific establishment: ‘Vasyl Stefanyk’ PreCarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) spec. 01.04.18 – Physics and Chemistry of Surface.


Nano-sized particles in generation and storage electric energy devices (financial support of CRDF/USAID (UKX2-9200-IF-08) and Ministry of Education and Science) of Ukraine (М/130-2009), 2009-2012) – Researcher.

Наукові публікації, які внесено до реєстру наукометричної бази даних Scopus

Bardashevska S.D., Budzulyak I.M., Budzulyak S.I., Rachiy B.I., Yablon L.S.,  Morushko O.V. Optical Properties of ZnSe Quantum Dots in Carbon Matrices. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 2019. V. 11, № 5, 05043 (6 p.).

Boichuk, V., Kotsyubynsky, V., Kachmar, A., Budzulyak, S., Budzulyak, I., Rachiy, B., Yablon. L. Effect of Synthesis Conditions on Pseudocapacitance Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Materials. (2019) Journal of Nano Research, 59. pp. 112-125.

A.I. Kachmar, V.M. Boichuk, I.M. Budzulyak, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, B.I. Rachiy & R. P. Lisovskiy (2019) Effect of synthesis conditions on the morphological and electrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped porous carbon materials, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 27:9, 669-676.

B.K. Ostafiychuk, R.P. Lisovskiy, Al-Saedi Abdul Halek Zamil, B.I. Rachiy, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, P.I. Kolkovsky, R.I. Merena, A.B. Hrubiak. Effect of Orthophosphoric Acid on Morphology of Nanoporous Carbon Materials // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2019. V. 11, № 3. – p. 03036 (6).

V.Boychuk, V.Kotsyubynsky, B. Rachiy, K. Bandura, A. Hrubiak, S. Fedorchenko. β-Ni(OH)2 / reduced graphene oxide composite as electrode for supercapacitors // Materials today: proceedings. – 2019. V.6, Is.2. – 106-115

The work is devoted to improving methods for obtaining nanoporous carbon material from natural raw materials with their predetermined physicochemical properties, developed surface area and controlled pore structure. The testing of these materials as the base component for electrodes of electrochemical charge accumulation systems was realised. It is shown, that thermochemical activation of hydrothermal carbonized feedstock by potassium hydroxide provides a nanoporous carbon material with an average size of pores 1,7  2,2 nm, total volume of 0,8 cm3/g and high surface area of 1600 m2/g, where mesopores are 15% of the total pores. Optimized method of obtaining mesoporous carbon material shows that the surface area is 1500 m2/g, total pore volume is 1,3 cm3/g and mesopore size is 5  50 nm, which make up 75% of the total pores.