Budzulyak Ivan Mykhaylovych



Персональна інформаціяОсновні публікаціїДіяльністьКонтакти

Budzulyak Ivan Mykhaylovych was born 01.05.1948. in the v. Himchyn, Kosiv district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. He studied the State University in Chernivtsi (Department of Theoretical Physics), who graduated with honors in 1971 and was sent to work in the Institute of Material Sciences of AS USSR. He received Ph.D. of physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 01.04.10 – physics of semiconductors and dielectrics in 1987. Head of the Laboratory of laser technology material processing. Since 2002 Associate Professor Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. He defended his doctoral thesis “Laser-stimulated conversion in the surface layers of materials with different structural ordering” in 2009. Professor Department of Materials Science and New Technologies since 2011, director of the education center since 2009, organized with the support of the CRDF USA.

Research interests Budzulyak I.M.:

influence of laser radiation on the properties of semiconductor materials, development methods of obtaining nanoporous carbon for supercapacitors, creating extra large capacity capacitors on it.

Author of over 200 publications in professional journals of Ukraine and other countries.

  1. M. Sehin, I. Budzulyak, O. Morushko, L. Yablon Thermodynamic Parameters of the Intercalation Reaction in Thermal and Laser Modified Nanodispersed Anatase // Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B. – 2013. – V. 3. – №4. – Р. 244–246.
  2. I.M. Budzulyak, S.L. Revo, B.I. Rachiy, M.M. Kuzishin Electrode material for supercapacitors based on nanostructured carbon // Surface engineering and applied electrochemistry. – 2013. – Vol. 49, № 1, pp. 68–72.
  3. Shyyko L.O., Kotsyubynsky V.O., Budzulyak I.M., Rawski M., Kulyk Y.O., Lisovsky R.P. Synthesis and double-hierarchical structure of MoS2/C nanospheres// Physica Status Solidi A – 2015. – V.212, I 10. P. – 2309–2314, – DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201532136.( Impact Factor – 1.415, SNIP – 0.883).
  4. Thermochemically activated carbon as an electode material for supercapacitors / B.K. Ostafiychuk, I.M.Budzulyak, B.I. Rachiy, V.M. Vashchynsky, V.I. Mandzyuk, R.P. Lisovsky, L.O. Shyyko // Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015. – 10:65 DOI 10.1186/s. 11671-015-0762-1.
  5. B.I. Rachiy, I.M. Budzulyak, E.A. Ivanenko, S.L. Revo A composite of nanoporous carbon and thermally exfoliated graphite as an effective electrode material for supercapacitors // Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry September 2015, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp 501-508.

I.M. Budzulyak reads courses

  • Oscillations and Waves (specialty “Applied Physics”)
  • Physics of lasers and laser technologies (specialty “Physics”)
  • Physical basis nanoelectronics (specialty “Physics”)


Were prepared and defended five works for a Ph.D., 10 works for Master’s level, 15 works for a bachelor’s degree, 5 of student publications under the direction I.M. Budzulyak.

st. Shevchenko, 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76025, Ukraine

Tel. 596182, email: ivan.budzuliak@pu.if.ua

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника