

Volodymyr  Kotsiubynskyi Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Head of the De
partment of Materials Science and New Technologies
Ivan Hasyuk Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Ivan Budzuliak Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies
Ivan Yaremii Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies
Roman Ilnytskyi Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies
Volodymyra Boichuk Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies
Bohdan Rachii Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies