New research proposal

Associate Professor Pavlo Kolkovskyi has been granted a unique opportunity to conduct research in the laboratories of several European universities, supported by a grant from the CERIC-ERIC system (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium). Our researcher is currently leading studies titled Читати далі


2 січня 2025 року викладачі кафедри прикладної фізики і матеріалознавства відвідали виробничі потужності  Товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю “МІЖГАЛУЗЕВИЙ НАУКОВО-ВИРОБНИЧИЙ ЦЕНТР “”, основним напрямком діяльності якого є зміцнення, відновлення та виготовлення швидкозношуваних деталей технологічного обладнання. Результатом конструктивних  перемовин з директором по Читати далі

From November 25 to December 16, 2024, Pavlo Kolkovskyi, Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Advanced Technologies of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Senior Research Fellow at the V.I. Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Читати далі

UNIVERSEH 2.0. project summarizing

On 6 December 2024, a final meeting of the participants of the UNIVERSEH 2.0-Extended for Ukraine project took place. This initiative is part of the UNIVERSEH project, implemented by an alliance of European space universities. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University collaborates within this alliance Читати далі

SEED Projects

The Call for Seed Projects is now open for applications. Within the EDUC-Alliance, EDUC-WIDE focuses on research and innovation collaboration. The Seed Projects are Research and Innovation small-scale collaborative projects that will enhance the possibility to upscale collaboration between the Читати далі

On 15 November, the team of the project “RadiatIon Safety: European-Ukrainian APproach“ (101127143-RISE-UP-ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH), which is being implemented with the support of the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Module, conducted a practical training session entitled “Radiation Safety: Legal Aspect” for students of students of the law Читати далі

Radiation Safety: Physical Aspect -2.0

On 14 November, as part of the implementation of the objectives of the Erasmus+ EU Jean Monnet Module project “RadiatIon Safety: European – Ukrainian APproach” (101127143-RISE–UP–ERASMUS–JMO-2023-HEI–TCH–RSCH), a training session titled “Radiation Safety: Physical Aspect” was held for students majoring in Читати далі