Advanced Materials Open Science Centre (PNU-OpenLab)

The main objectives of the Advanced Materials Open Science Centre (PNU-OpenLab, at the Precarpathian National University are

–     consolidation of research activities of Ukrainian scientists from universities in Western Ukraine and research institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (NASU) in the field of obtaining, characterisation, and implementation of the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials in accordance with the principles of Open Science (access to full-text databases of scientific and technical information, research literature, experimental data);

–     providing access to the research infrastructure of the Precarpathian National University in the field of synthesis and characterisation of Advanced Materials (with a focus on materials for energy and life) with future integration into CERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium) to promote the advancement of science and industry;

–     formation of PNU-OpenLab as a component of the research infrastructure of the Precarpathian National University and superstructural element of the ecosystem, including PNU-NanoLab (Nanotechnology Lab for Materials Science, Energy, and Medicine) and PNU-FabLab (Laboratory of Prototyping, 3D Printing, and Design) to improve the openness and accessibility of shared facilities;

–     providing services to industry in the field of material properties investigation, which will be important for maintaining defence capabilities and meeting the needs of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure;

–     enhancing the involvement of researchers in Open Science through seminars and schools for students and young scientists by demonstrating and piloting the use of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) resources;

–     implementation of European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Objectives and Vision to facilitate multilateral initiatives for the better use and development of research infrastructures at EU and international level, including Associate Countries such as Ukraine;

–     organising courses and events for undergraduates and postgraduates that prepare a new generation of FAIR-oriented scientists and scholars;

–    promoting the entry of Ukrainian scientists into the European Research Area.