Startech 4.0

The student team from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University participated in the Startech 4.0 Nawa Edition workshops, held from 30 September to 4 October at the Space Technology Centre AGH in Krakow, Poland. The event was part of a series of joint student activities organised by Universeh, an alliance of European space universities.

This time, our university was represented by students from the Faculty of Physics and Technology — Solomiia Botiuk, Adriana Danyliuk, and Alina Holinei; the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science — Yuliia Lazarovych, Viktoriia Babala, Hanna Yaremii, and Anna Hus; and the Faculty of Natural Sciences — Nadiia Verezhak and Khrystyna Fediv.

In collaboration with students from France (Université Jean-Jaurès and INP-ENSAT), Italy (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Germany (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), Sweden (Luleå University of Technology), Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg), and Poland (AGH University in Kraków), our students developed business models for new enterprises utilizing methods of remote sensing of the Earth from spacecraft.


It is crucial that the Universeh-Extended for Ukraine project not only continues its activities but also serves as a foundation for new successful projects that integrate advanced technology with European educational standards. Notably, in October this year, the project “Digital Course for University Analog Astronauts Space Trainings” will be launched under the European Union’s ERASMUS+ grant program (2024-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000252474).

The project is coordinated by the AGH University of Krakow. The consortium members, alongside Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, include the Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines (France), the Poliarte Politecnico delle Arti SRL (Italy), and the company CreateHub (Poland).

The goal of the project, which will be conducted by the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies at the Faculty of Physics and Technology, is to develop e-learning courses tailored to train potential participants in space missions.