On 18-19 September, within the framework of the EDUC-WIDE project of the Horizon Europe programme, Volodymyra Boichuk, Professor of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies, and Liliia Turovska, Research Fellow, took part in the meeting of the Expert Group on Research Infrastructures (EGRI) dedicated to the promotion of the INFRA Call among young researchers at the University of Pécs (Szentágothai Research Centre, Pécs, Hungary).
On the first day of the meeting, the participation of PNU research infrastructures in the framework of the Research Infrastructure Knowledge Exchange Scheme was discussed in accordance with the proposed cooperation areas, namely: Nanotechnologies and Microtechnologies, Geosciences, Genomics + Bioinformatics, Animal/Behavioural facilities).
On the second day of the RI Promotional Event for Young Researchers, the university representatives presented 9 research infrastructures of the PNU participating in the INFRA Call https://educ.openup.education/infrastructure-call, which aims to encourage innovation and support partnerships that will accelerate the development of research capabilities. This initiative will not only benefit the university but also help build a stronger European research community.