QUantum matErials for Sustainable Technologies

We would like to draw your attention to the following Thematic Workshops in the frame of the XXIX Elettra User Meeting:
– December 2-3, 2024: QUEST – QUantum matErials for Sustainable Technologies https://indico.elettra.eu/event/46/ – organized by Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste.
– December 3-4, 2024: NETLINCS – New Trends in Linear and Non-LInear Spectroscopic Studies of Natural Chirality https://indico.elettra.eu/event/48/ – co-organized by Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste and COST Action NEXT.
The workshops will be held in Trieste, Italy, at the Abdus Salam ICTP, Giambiagi Hall, Adriatico Guesthouse, Via di Grignano 9.
Registration is now open, please visit our websites:
Registration QUEST: https://indico.elettra.eu/event/46/registrations/30/
Registration NETLINCS: https://indico.elettra.eu/event/48/registrations/32/
PLEASE NOTE: as a limited number of rooms at the Guesthouse is available, we kindly advise you to register as soon as possible.