Call for Research Projects

🚀 Call for Research Projects: Access to EDUC Research Infrastructures 🚀
The EDUC-WIDE project is excited to announce a call for research projects requiring access to its advanced technologies and services via core facilities and research infrastructures.

🔍 Who can apply?
#Researchers at EDUC member institutions.
#PhD candidates and MSc students of EDUC member institutions.

🧑‍🔬 Why apply? This is a great opportunity to foster collaboration across EDUC partners and leverage the cutting-edge research infrastructures available, particularly in Widening countries like Czechia, Hungary, and Ukraine.

📅 Submission deadline: 31 October 2024.

🔗 How to apply?
#Register on the EDUC OpenUp platform.
#Submit your application:

💡 Tip: Before submitting, consult the head of the core facility or research infrastructure relevant to your project (listed in the platform database).

#EDUCWIDE #ResearchOpportunity #ResearchInfrastructures #EDUCAlliance #ResearchFunding
Universität Potsdam | University of Pécs | Université Paris Nanterre | Masaryk University | Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge – USN | Universitat Jaume I – UJI | Université de Rennes | UniCa – Università degli Studi di Cagliari | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University